SKØUX | SJØX aim is to be a serious contest station on HF frequencies, therefor our goal is to have several antennas/arrays for each of the HF bands. Currently our setup of antennas for HF are the following below. To be able to create a “competent” contesting station some antennas and towers are owned by the club and others by the individual members who are active.
The antennas are situated at several different towers:

– Dipole
– 3 element rotary yagi
– Sloper
– 2 element full size rotary quad
-Halfsquare array
– 6 element rotary quad
– 5 element yagi pointed at JA
-4 element yagi pointed at EU
– 5 element rotary yagi
– 4 element yagi pointed at EU
– 5 element rotary yagi
– 8 element rotary quad
-4 element yagi pointed at EU
We have plans to take down an existing tower during 2016 and replace it with a new 40meter tall rotary tower which will hold a 7o7 stack for 15m, 8o8o8o8o8 stack for 6m, 2 or 3 el yagi for 40m, some WARC band antennas and also a bug array for 2 and 70cm. To be continued..
Station automation is done by openASC system in place at the station making it possible to run HF stations simultaneously on 4 bands from the hilltop. Any of the stations can get any of the antennas.
For more info/pics etc about the antennas please visit SMØW’s Blog
If you are interested in running HF frequencies from “the Hill” get in touch with Teemu SMØW.